The Amidah has colors? How To REPROGRAM Your Mind To FORGIVE Your PAST, Yourself, And Your WORST Enemies & More
The Tuesday Five: Episode 5
Welcome to Episode 5 of The King David II Media - a weekly short-form newsletter designed to spark your inner curiosity. Each week, I will share five pieces of content - one quote, one post, one song, one podcast, and one personal insight - all catered for inner curiosity and to help you embark on a meaningful journey.
So without further ado, here’s The King David II Media: Episode 5…
Reading time: 4 minutes and 30 seconds.
Today at a Glance:
Quote: “Every human being has two eyes. First there is "the good eye." And then there is "the other good eye" - Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev
Post: Elio47Kitov - The Amidah has colors?
Song: Ishay Ribo & Omer Adam - Halev Sheli (My Heart)
Podcast: Gedale Fenster - Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev Laws of Attraction
Personal insight: Little known benefit to forgiving your worst enemies
One Quote: Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev
Every human being has two eyes. First there is "the good eye." And then there is "the other good eye"
- Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev
The other good eye. The one that sees things from a new perspective even when things don’t make sense. The one that sees the light in the darkness. Because in reality, we only perceive 2% of what really happens. The other 98% of what we see is beyond our understanding. To see the good is one thing. To see the good beyond our understanding is playing with magic. This is when the magic begins to happen in your life.
For example, when one does Teshuva (to return or repentance) with love merits having his sins transformed into merits! The common eye would think this task is a burden or returns out of fear. But if you use the other eye, the one that knows it makes no sense to return with love after you sinned. Is the one that merits transformation.
One post: Elio47Kitov - The Amidah has colors?
This is a new concept for me. I always felt connected with colors. And just when I thought I understood everything there is about them. Hashem pulled the algorithm of Instagram in my favor to find this gem. According to the Ramak in his book Pardes Rimonim, he says the name of Hashem in each blessing of the Amidah has different colors expressing itself. The Ramak also explains each name has a different connotation on how it is written.
Making the name of Hashem even more special and powerful.
This is another level of “hashem is one and his name is one”.
So, if you ever connected with colors. There is a new way of connecting to Hashem with colors.
It’s like everything goes back to its source.
One song: Ishay Ribo & Omer Adam - Halev Sheli (My Heart)
Maybe I am getting older. But I am enjoying more heartfelt and slower songs like these now more than ever. Than say a Bad Bunny or Hardwell song. This is the type of song that goes straight into your heart. Even if you don’t understand the entire lyrics. Just close your eyes and allow your heart to open up to enjoy the moment.
One podcast: Gedale Fenster Podcast - Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev Laws of Attraction
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev was one of the most well-respected mystics of the 1800s. This episode talks a lot about the laws of attraction. One gem is to simply believe you are worthy of salvation. Any fear will pull you out of the process. But if you believe salvation is there - the potential exists to make it into a reality. Walk as if you already have it with humility.
One personal insight: How To REPROGRAM Your Mind To FORGIVE Your PAST, Yourself, And Your WORST Enemies
So… everyone seems to think holding on to grudges drains the other person. But it does the contrary. Drinking that juice of hatred is poisonous for you.
Here is why forgiveness will benefit you more than holding a grudge.
For a long time, I have been holding a grudge against the person who killed my younger brother sholem.
I wanted revenge.
So every time I thought of him, I was asking G-D to punish him.
Doing this makes you feel like a justice league member.
But his image was draining me on the inside.
When you ask for the punishment for someone who hurt you.
You end up punishing yourself and the people around you.
My self-punishment was that I felt guilty for enjoying life while this guy was running around free.
Yet To be the judge of another person.
Is out of your control.
Yes my heart was broken into 1000 pieces.
But is not worth it to hold it in.
But I had to try something else.
So the next thing I tried was to let it go.
That I could forgive him and not have to accept him in my life again.
This worked at some level.
But the work I was doing was intellectual.
Saying I forgive you without meaning does not work.
Because some part of you feels you can go back to the past and hope it never happened.
But whatever happened happened.
I was still holding an unconscious grudge that was poisonous to me.
I was still hoping the past never happened.
So I had to go deeper.
Tap into my deepest truth that I had the ability to forgive someone who hurt me in a way no one has ever hurt me.
Because the past cannot be undone.
I needed to find a way to renew the emotion I was holding on to the past.
In order to live a more fulfilling present and future.
But I needed divine help for this task.
Because only your creator can turn a mourning heart into a dancing one.
It is possible to transform a nightmare into gratitude.
After some time I spent a Shabat in Miami.
Gedale Fenster recommended I learn the book Tomer Devora. Which goes deep into the lessons of Rabbi Moshe Cordovero on how to emulate G-D with the 13 attributes of mercy.
It talks a lot about forgiveness and compassion.
So I dived in and learned that when you send hashem your anguish and anger towards someone.
And ask hashem to forgive the situation.
To take control because you can't bear it anymore.
He turns your anguish into mercy.
I felt some kind of relief giving G-D something that did not belong to me.
But to go deeper I also asked Hashem to forgive myself for any self-punishment I was comitting.
It felt like I was living in a prison. And this guy was the warden controlling my thoughts turning me into a victim.
I'm sure you can relate.
Maybe it's an ex controlling your future and hopes of finding a new relationship.
Your parents not approving you did not want to go to medical school.
Or a boss who fired you a long time ago.
I get it. It hurts and maybe you feel they should have done it a different way.
But it happened.
And if you are still holding on to a grudge hoping it hurts them.
Or hoping for a payback.
You are only hurting yourself more.
The book Tomer Devorah teaches you how to exchange your hurt with Hashem for compassion.
So I asked Hashem to help me forgive myself.
And forgive my worst enemy.
After meditating on this for a while I felt lighter.
I used 8 different attributes written in the book for this meditation.
Meaning I found 8 new reasons why I should forgive myself and my enemy.
One of them was because G-D was going to do the cleanup himself.
So I let go of something that was out of my control anyways.
I felt so much lighter and grateful.
Grateful for leaving behind baggage I was holding on to for so long.
Next morning my friend Isaac calls me and tells me he had a dream where I was in a black BMW and felt I was in control of the car.
A black BMW crashed my brother Sholem.
It took me some time process his dream.
But then I realized Hashem was sending me the message that I was now in control of my worst nightmare.
My worst enemy had no power over me.
I was finally free!
So, you see.
You can also liberate yourself from your worst enemies.
Holding on to a grudge is a disservice to yourself.
It is a poison that only hurts you more.
Ask hashem to help you forgive the person who hurt you.
Ask hashem to help you forgive yourself for hurting yourself with such grudge.
If you do it wholeheartedly and practice forgiveness hashem will surely grant you mercy.
Its time to take control of your life. Forgive your worst enemy now.
Live your best life not out of revenge. But out of a personal choice.
That does it for Episode 5 of The King David II Media. If you enjoyed this, I’d love for you to share it with your friends!
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Until next time.
Stay meaningful, amigos!